I am working on making this site sparkle on mobile too! For now, enjoy the full experience on desktop.


Leveraging AI technology to revolutionize
the language learning experience.

Interested in learning a new language? Research suggests that immersing yourself in the language's environment accelerates learning. Speakwell bridges this gap by bringing the language environment to you.

My Role





After Effects

Premiere Pro


Fred McHale

The Problem

Learning a language, I expected to speak like a local, only to realize I sounded nothing like one. Traditional teaching methods didn't prepare me for real-life conversations. Despite 7 years of Spanish classes, all I could say was, "No hablo español."

Transitioning to life in Brazil, France, and Spain, I had to learn the local languages. I discovered that genuine fluency came through immersion with native speakers. Interacting daily with locals not only honed my language skills but also deepened my understanding of their cultures, providing a richer learning experience. I embarked on a mission to address this challenge by creating ways to replicate the cultural immersion experience.

Lost in translation?

Ideation and Concept

To truly learn a language, immerse yourself in the culture, engaging with locals. Unlike apps that mimic social media's quick-fix dopamine hits, genuine learning occurs through real-life interactions. Speaking to the AI generated local allows you to observe their reactions, speech patterns, and pronunciation, aiding in deeper understanding and retention of the language.

The Research Process and Findings

I began by distributing a questionnaire to individuals interested in learning languages, including both beginners and those proficient in multiple languages, where I gained valuable insights into the challenges learners face. Conducting in-person interviews further deepened my understanding of the language learning experience, providing valuable insights into the needs and preferences of users.

Research indicates that learners who engage in regular conversations
with native speakers retain vocabulary 62% better than those who rely
solely on traditional methods.

Studies suggest that language learners who practice speaking with
native speakers experience a 47% increase in pronunciation,
fluency, and listening skills.


It's a highly effective language learning method, involving full engagement in the target language environment through interactions with native speakers, exposure to language-rich content, or living abroad for a period.

— Yale University


Associating new words to what you already know helps in language learning by improving recall and understanding. This creates connections between old and new knowledge, making learning more efficient.

— Yale University

Let's look at what exists.

How are people learning languages?

Competitors in the language learning industry span various platforms, apps, software, and traditional institutions. Notable among them are Anki App, which aids in vocabulary retention through spaced repetition, HelloTalk, facilitating language exchange with native speakers, and language learning centers, offering structured courses with expert guidance. Each competitor offers distinct approaches tailored to different learning styles and preferences.


Duolingo encourages completing daily 5-10 minute lessons to maintain a streak. However, speaking to a bird lacks naturalness, while its speech recognition feature often fails to accurately interpret pronunciation, both critical in language learning.


Anki's intuitive flashcard system permits easy customization of study materials, fostering efficient vocabulary retention through spaced repetition. Yet, the repetitive nature of flashcards may induce "TDS" (tiredness due to similarity) over time for some users.


HelloTalk boasts a vast user base and interactive community, facilitating language exchange with native speakers globally. Its user-friendly interface enables easy conversation initiation and skill practice. However, the free version requires you to teach your language in exchange, and the paid version is expensive for professional tutors.

Language Learning Centers

Language learning centers offer structured curriculum led by experienced instructors, fostering interactive learning environments. Learning a language at a non-local center is often ineffective because the pronunciations don't match those of native speakers.


“I want to be able to sound less robotic when I speak
to locals, it would boost my confidence”

My Story

I recently moved to Barcelona for a new job in marketing. Although I'm excited, my limited Catalan makes daily tasks like shopping and socializing daunting. I feel isolated and struggle to connect with people. At work, I worry about missing opportunities and find it hard to keep up in meetings held in Catalan. This situation leaves me feeling anxious and lonely, highlighting my urgent need to improve my language skills.


  • Encouraging Environment

  • Instant Guidance

  • Cultural Awareness


  • Struggling to hold conversations

  • Challenges in comprehending fast speakers

  • Intimidation from public failure


Lo Fidelity

High Fidelity


Testing Iterations

I conducted multiple rounds of testing, starting with a low-fidelity prototype and progressing through several high-fidelity versions. Feedback and critique were crucial, guiding minor adjustments after each round. Further testing confirmed the effectiveness of these changes, resulting in a well-optimized final product.

Let's Dive Into the Testing Process

Language Setup

Initially, the setup included a lengthy summary of user profile, making changes cumbersome. Following testing, input fields were consolidated into grouped questions, streamlining setup and highlighting essential information.

Before, the interest section provided recommendations that might not align perfectly with users since the AI lacked information about them. Now, a plus button allows users to add interests that truly reflect their preferences.

Initially, the setup page featured a cross button, suggesting task cancellation and screen closure. Now, a Continue button indicates task completion and user satisfaction with the setup process.


Initially, the home page featured separate sections for different aspects of language learning, following outdated methods that were proven ineffective. However, after the redesign, a card-based layout was introduced, effectively organizing main language learning areas, enhancing the learning experience.

The removal of the speech bubble eliminated unnecessary distractions, allowing for more focus on relevant learning areas.

Users previously encountered confusion when attempting to add or switch between languages. To address this a card in the top left corner displays the current language and its purpose. Tapping this card opens a menu, granting users access to language settings or the option to add new languages.

Previously, the Explore button was located at the bottom of the screen, often going unnoticed by users despite its importance to the learning experience. Therefore, all crucial learning methods initially found on the Explorer page were moved to the home page to ensure easy access for users.

Virtual Friend

Previously, the cross button suggested conversations were concluded; this has been revised with a dropdown arrow to indicate the Virtual Friend is continuously available. Emphasizing the Virtual friends importance, its size was increased, with larger mouth movements helping with pronunciation, while the text box now displays only the current dialogue.

Audio Vault

Initially hidden within the explore page despite being a core feature, the Audio Vault is where conversations are saved for later listening. The original design lacked detail, showing only the conversation length and a play button.

After testing, the play button was removed. Now, each card in the Audio Vault is clickable and displays relevant information such as the name, date, and length of the conversation. A "New" label identifies recordings that have not been opened yet.

On the play page, the transcript is now the main focus, with play controls repositioned and unnecessary distractions removed. The transcript highlights the current sentence for improved comprehension, streamlining the user experience.

Let's explore how SpeakWell assists you
throughout your language learning journey.

This is where it begins

Setup Language Preferences

The app opens to a setup assistant asking about your desired languages and usage intentions. After answering additional personal questions, you're presented with a categorized summary for review and editing. Pressing "Continue" generates personalized content based on your preferences.

Welcome to SpeakWell

The home screen serves as the central hub for your language learning experience. Here, you can access daily conversations, engage with audio lessons, explore cultural insights, and discover popular content. With the support of your virtual friend and the flexibility to switch between language profiles, you have a comprehensive range of tools at your disposal to enhance your learning journey.

Who better to teach you than a native?

Virtual Friend

A virtual friend enables you to practice conversations in real time, helping you develop your speaking and listening skills conveniently. It offers instant feedback on your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, aiding your improvement. Tailored to your proficiency level and preferences, it provides personalized challenges and content. Additionally, it can simulate various accents and dialects, exposing you to a range of linguistic variations.

Live Transcript

This is crucial because it gives you immediate visual reinforcement of what is being said, which aids in comprehension, especially if you are a visual learner. It also lets you see the correct spelling and structure of words and sentences, helping you with vocabulary and grammar.

Phrases for daily usage

Everyday Conversations

This section offers practical application by simulating real-life scenarios. The conversation topics are tailored to your learning goals and interests, which helps with comprehension and retention. It also hones your listening skills by exposing you to native speakers' pronunciations.

Listen and Learn

Audio Vault

The Audio Vault is a collection of all your conversations with the virtual friend, but it's more than just a repository of dialogues. Instead, the AI transforms these interactions into personalized lessons, storing them for your future reference. This feature lets you listen to lessons on the go or while doing other activities. Additionally, you can read the transcripts alongside the audio, which enhances your comprehension and retention.

Embrace the Local Culture

Culture Zone

The Culture Zone section enhances your learning by deepening your understanding of humor, idioms, and slang, fostering more authentic communication. Exploring do's and don'ts helps you avoid unintentional offenses, while learning about customs and facts sparks your curiosity and empathy. This integration helps you build both language proficiency and cultural competence for more confident cross-cultural interactions. Who better than a native from the area to teach you about their culture?

Discover Local Gems

Discovery Den

This offers engaging language learning through popular content such as music, podcasts, TV shows, movies, and books. The "For You" section explores your specific interests, providing recommendations based on your hobbies and passions. It also gives you conversational topics and icebreakers, helping you engage in meaningful interactions with others.

Key Takeaways

Interviews with both past and current language learners provided critical

insights into their needs and preferences. Learning from their experiences,

I shaped the app's features to ensure a tailored and engaging user experience.

User testing was crucial in refining the app. It revealed usability issues and

validated feature utility. Iterative testing allowed continuous improvement,

leading to a polished, user-centered product.

Future Prospects

With more resources, integrating interactive language challenges in the app could help build a global community of learners. This approach offers enjoyable practice, encourages healthy competition, and tracks progress effectively.

The app could offer immersive VR and AR experiences for users to explore iconic locations and cultural activities, deepening their understanding and appreciation of the culture, alongside exclusive content collaborations with local artists.

I am working on making this site sparkle on mobile too! For now, enjoy the full experience on desktop.

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